Travel More

 I'm currently waiting in the Virgin Amercan Louge at LAX to borad my plane to Portland. It has been almost a full year since my last plane trip and I am buzzing. I miss the security line, I miss the airline uniforms. I miss the self-contained environement of an airport. I miss travelling. As others have said before, once you catch the travel bug, it becomes an addiction and I am high on life as I watch the planes descend and ascend on the Apron. First fun fact of my trip, calling the runway the tarmac is actually incorrect. Airports stopped using tarmac in the producion of its runways. It is really called the apron, but as in all things, tarmac stuck and that is what most people know it by.
Moving forward, I miss ... this, sitting in an arportsoaking up the sensation of just travelling. I used to board planes all the time and now that I've taken up my current job, I remain landbound and officelocked. I've spent so much time at my computer reading travel blogs and lifestyle sites I feel like I finally get to experience everything I've read, which is why I am curently inspired to write about it all now. I also have to credit Brooke Saward and World of Wanderlust for inspiring me that itis possible to actulize your dreams even when it does seem like a pipedream.This journey is short but it is for good reason. My baby sister just turned 21 and my twin and I are visiting her in Portland to celebrate. I came up with the idea more as a passing thought of how awesome would that be and my twin sister is really the one that pressed it to happen. So here we are visiting our baby girl, both terribly excited to see a city that we both find fascinating. I mean, Portlandia really put the city into the conscious of the mainstream and even if Portlandites...portlandians? Portlandeers? find the newly revampedourism annoying, I find the fact that Portland specializes in Craft Breweries and Craft Cideries, AND CRAFT MAC & CHEESERIES to be my kind of city!I cannot contain my excitement. My favorite thing to do is explore new cities and find out how they operate. Its the sociological and cultural differences I have always found appealing and exciting to learn and if Portland is one of the hipter centrals of the US then bring it on. Say what you will about hipsers, but they are everywhere and they always know all the good places to eat and drink. My current journey begins here. moreupdates to follow...